Mosquitoes and Water Tanks: How to Keep Mozzies Away


  • Australia is home to over 300 species of mosquitoes
  • Tanks can be a hub for mosquito nesting and breeding
  • Mosquito mesh and light guards come standard in all Global rainwater tanks

Mosquitoes are a massive pest and can pass on many viruses and diseases. In Australia, we have over 300 species of mosquitoes! They are expert breeders, particularly if they have the right climate and grounds to do so in.

Tanks are a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes

Anyone who’s lived through one of Australia’s sticky summers will know that with every shower of rain, comes a shower of mozzies. Especially so for those who live on a farm or property with bodies of water lying around – the little buggers love standing water!

If you own or are thinking of purchasing a rainwater tank, mosquitoes are going to be more inclined to call your home their home. Which is why it’s important to implement certain measures to keep them at bay.

How to prevent mozzies getting inside your tank

1. Employ tight-fitting lids and screens

When not in use, all access points to your tank (with the exception of the inlet and any overflows) should be kept tightly shut. Installing mozzie-proof screens, with a mesh size of 1mm or less, is a must. According to Australian Government standards, mozzie screens fitted to tanks in Queensland should be made from brass, copper, aluminium or stainless steel gauze and should not be coarser than 1 mm aperture measure (so as not to cause corrosion).

At Global, all of our rainwater tanks come standard with mosquito mesh and light guards, made to Australian Government standards.

2. Regularly check your screens for damage

It’s important to always check your screens for holes. If you notice a rip or tear, always ensure you fix it as soon as possible. All it would take is for one female mosquito to find the gap, wiggle her way in, and lay a billion eggs in your beautiful, clean rainwater.

3. Clean out your gutters

Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in as little as 3 cm of standing water, so it’s not just the tank itself that needs attention. Any pooled water in your gutters could be a prime nesting site for mozzies, so should be maintained and cleaned out regularly. The last thing you want is for eggs to be laid in your gutters then washed down into your tanks!

4. Be aware of other external breeding grounds

As mentioned above, mosquitoes don’t need very much water to lay their eggs in. In fact, sources of open water such as pot plants, buckets, bins and even tyre rims can provide a perfect place for breeding to take place. Then, all they’d have to do is wait for a hole in your tank or tank screens, and climb on in.

Found mosquitoes in your tank?

If you detect mosquitoes or other insects in your rainwater tank, the first thing you should do is locate and repair the gap they came in from. In addition to preventing new ones from getting in, you’ll be stopping the adults getting out and continuing their breeding elsewhere.

Treatment to kill mosquito larvae can be administered, but you have to be extremely careful with what kinds of chemicals you use in your tank. Check government websites for more information about what to use.

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